How To Fix Pressure Marks On Laptop Screen? [Solved]

LED screens are a massive advancement and have leveled up the game of visuals; however they are pretty vulnerable to pressure sports.

Several reasons can cause pressure spots to appear on these screens. The article contains all information on how to fix the pressure marks on your laptop screen.

What are pressure marks?

Pressure marks look like blemishes on the screen. They may be spots of stubborn dirt that stick tight or problems with the pixels of the screen.

Pressure marks do not necessarily mean a problem with the glass nor does it indicate any cracks or signs of broken glass. 

These are spots that lay under the screen which can easily be fixed.

What causes pressure marks on laptop screens?

  • Dirt and Debris

Accumulation of dirt can cause pressure spots to appear on your laptop screen. This is the most common reason why pressure spots appear.

  • Dead pixels

Pixels that go unresponsive and can never convert back are known as dead pixels. Permanent pressure spots appear because of dead pixels.

  •  Stuck pixels

Often pixels are stuck displaying a color permanently. They are unresponsive when screens shift. However they can be reversed back to normal.

Causes of dead or stuck pixels:

  • Humidity

If the humidity levels exceed the average range of the LCD moisture can get inside the screen and cause pixel malfunction.

  • Voltage fluctuations

 A sudden drop in the voltage or frequent voltage fluctuations can damage the transistor which causes stuck pixels.

  • Extreme temperatures

 An extreme increase or decrease in the screen’s temperature causes the pixels to solidify causing black spots.

  • Static display for long hours

 Leaving the laptop on the same screen damages its transistor. The transistor gets fried if the same image is displayed for an extended period.

How can you fix pressure marks on your laptop screen?

  • Rub the area on the screen that contains the spots

 Black spots on the screen due to dead pixels can easily be removed by rubbing the quiet pixel area with mild pressure. A few things to keep in mind while doing so are;

  • Make sure that you wipe the screen clean of any dust particles before you start rubbing it.
  • Use an object that has a circular end. E.g. smartphone stylus.
  • Place a soft microfiber cloth over the screen before rubbing it to prevent further damage.
  • J screen fix

 You can also eliminate black pixel spots on your screen using a pixel fixing tool. JScreenFix is a free website that can help you clear any marks on your laptop screen. Follow the steps given below to use the website. Make sure you have a stable internet connection or the process might get delayed.

  1. Let your laptop cool down for at least 2 hours before attempting to fix the issue. All the internal parts of your device must be completely relaxed.
  2. Open up your laptop and search for the official website of JScreenFix on your browser.
  3. A box will appear on the screen. Click the “Launch” button.
  4. As soon as you click the button the screen will go dark and a pixelated color box will appear.
  5. Place this pixelated color box on the areas where there are spots and leave for 10 to 20 minutes. 

J screen fix makes the pixels of that region with pressure marks shift colors rapidly. Due to this any dead pixels are restored and there are no more black spots on your screen. 

  • Pixel healer

 Spots on your laptop screen can also be fixed using PixelHealer. This tool can be easily downloaded on your device and is even easier to run. Once you have downloaded the program it is ready to use. 

Open the program place the red box on the defected area set the timer and press the “Start Flashing” button. The display screen will start flashing and the issue will be fixed. The flashing mechanism restores the lights in the pixels; thus you can minimize and cancel out the dark spot appearance. 

  • Changing the screen

Changing the screen is your last resort if none of the above options works for you. If the screen is still in warranty you can take your device to the official service center and get it repaired for free. If these pixel defects are manufacturing faults the company will replace the LCD for you. Otherwise you will have to purchase a new one for yourself.  

Often the screens do not fall under warranty and this can be a costly solution. However it is cheaper than purchasing a new laptop. 

How do I prevent pressure marks on the laptop screen?

Laptop screens are delicate. Taking care of them is essential to increase their lifespan. To prevent annoying pressure marks on your screen:

 Avoid placing and using your laptop in extreme environments

  • Protect our laptop from moisture
  • Clean the screen regularly and put it away from dirt and debris
  • Use a voltage stabilizer while charging your computer to prevent fluctuations
  • Give your computer some rest after working for long hours

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Pressure Marks on Your Laptop Screen?

If you’ve just purchased a brand new laptop the last thing you want to do is damage it. Unfortunately pressure marks can form on your screen if you don’t take precautions when carrying it around with you.

If this happens to you there are certain steps you can take to repair the damage and restore your screen to full function again. Here’s how to fix pressure marks on your laptop screen!

What are pressure marks?

A laptop screen is made up of tiny pixels that are arranged together to form your computer’s image. When pressure is applied to your screen it can distort these pixels causing permanent dents or marks on your screen. For example if you press too hard with a pen when writing a note it could leave permanent pressure marks. The same goes for spilling liquid onto the keyboard and then pressing down hard.

The good news is there are ways to get rid of pressure marks from laptops! The most popular method seems to be using compressed air- which blows out any dust particles that might have caused the damage in the first place.

You can also use canned air (though this won’t work on liquid damage) or rubbing alcohol and paper towels for dried-on liquid spills.

Just remember not to use excessive force when trying to remove these marks- since it’ll only make them worse!

How do pressure marks form on the screen?

Light travels through a glass screen and into a computer’s LCD which produces images in light-emitting diodes. These diodes also known as pixels combine to form an image.

If you press down on your laptop screen with your finger while it is turned on you can see pressure marks appear where you are touching it. The marks are not permanent and will go away when you lift your finger off of them. However it is still important to avoid pressing on or near them. You can do this by avoiding putting pressure on the area around the pixel.

To clean the screen properly take a microfiber cloth and put it under the glasses of water. Then use the cloth to wipe off any dirt or dust that may be there. Lastly turn off your laptop and allow it to dry before turning it back on again so that no moisture remains inside the device. Even if your laptop screen has been scratched or damaged from another source keeping it clean can help prevent additional damage from happening.

Dirt and other substances like grease build up on screens over time making it harder for sensitive components to work properly. Screens typically need cleaning every month or two depending on how often they are used. Regularly cleaning screens will keep them running at their best for longer periods.

What should you not put on a laptop screen?

It’s tempting to think that pressure marks or smudges are no big deal—after all it’s just a screen. In reality however these can be major problems that affect your ability to use your computer. The good news is they’re usually very easy to fix. Try one of the following remedies:

-Wipe the mark with a dry cloth

-Use window cleaner

-Use rubbing alcohol (on a cloth)

-Apply an eraser for pencil smudges -Put a bit of Vaseline on the cloth and rub in circular motions until you see the spot disappear

Is there a way to remove the pressure marks from laptop screens?

One of the main complaints that people have with laptops is how easy it is to scratch or damage their screens. With most laptops you can easily remove any dust or smudges from your screen by simply wiping them down. However if there are any pressure marks caused by holding your laptop in one place for a long period then you may need to take additional steps to repair them. Fortunately there are ways that you can eliminate pressure marks from laptop screens and get your screen looking new again. It can be done at home using some common household items such as toothpaste and a towel. To complete this process follow these simple steps:

-First use your finger to apply some toothpaste onto the center where the pressure mark is located.

-Next gently rub the toothpaste into the affected area until it starts to bubble up and create a foam texture. -Afterwards use a clean towel or paper towel to wipe away all of the excess toothpaste until only small bubbles remain.

-Finally use another clean cloth (or paper towel) to remove those last few bubbles until you’re left with just an unblemished screen once again!

Things to remember before removing pressure marks from laptop screens

Things can get tricky when removing pressure marks from laptop screens. There are different degrees of pressure marks and they vary in intensity color and material as well. Below is a chart that lists the most common reasons why you might get pressure marks on your laptop screen.

If you’re reading this post because someone said Can you Fix Pressure Marks On Laptop Screen? then please don’t ignore the following information.

The first step to fixing pressure marks is to understand what type of issue you’re dealing with.

The next step is to find out what the best solution for your specific issue will be. For example if the only solution was Can you Fix Pressure Marks On Laptop Screen? you would want to ask yourself: Did I forget my password? or Do I need a new battery? When Can you Fix Pressure Marks On Laptop Screen? doesn’t have a definitive answer (even after we go through all the steps) so it may be time to visit a professional for help.

Why ignore pressure marks will affect your laptop’s performance?

If you use your laptop as your main way of doing work and entertainment you might want to know that pressure marks will damage your screen over time. If you notice dark spots or lines of different colors appearing on your screen then there’s a good chance that it could be due to pressure marks.

Although pressure marks are only cosmetic damage at first they can cause other issues over time. For example high temperatures may cause permanent discoloration to appear if not dealt with quickly enough. These marks will make the surface harder to see which is why people often need to replace their screens. You should always try to clean off any pressure marks as soon as possible before any damage occurs so that you don’t have to worry about it happening again.

There are several things you can do to remove pressure marks from your laptop’s screen including using lemon juice and toothpaste (1 tbsp) mixed in a small bowl. Apply this mixture directly onto the stain wait five minutes for it to dry out and then rub in circular motions with a microfiber cloth until all traces of the mark disappear.


Before diving into the methods of foxing the black spots on your laptop screen please do your research and get yourself to the root cause of what is causing them. As mentioned above in the article the pressure marks may reflect all the dirt and debris accumulated on the screen or an issue of dead or stuck pixels embedded inside the laptop.

Mentioned above are some of the ways that we and users worldwide use to fix pressure marks on their laptop screens. They have been tried and tested which is the only reason we recommend them.

However seek professional help when you’re unsure as LED screens are supposed to be handled with care and are critical to a laptop. Unless you are sure what you are doing do not get your hands on something that can create even more significant problems.

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