How to Cancel Xbox Live Subscription on Phone? [Refund]

Xbox Live is a popular online service that allows you to play games chat with friends and access various apps on your Xbox console. However if you no longer want to use Xbox Live you might want to cancel your subscription and save some money. In this article we will show you how to cancel your Xbox Live subscription on your phone whether you have an Android or iOS device. We will also explain how to check if you are eligible for a refund and how to avoid getting charged again in the future.

Quick answer

To cancel your Xbox Live subscription on your phone follow these steps:

  • Launch the Xbox app on your phone and sign in with your Xbox Live account credentials.
  • Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner and select Subscriptions.
  • Tap the Xbox Live subscription that you want to cancel.
  • Tap Manage subscription and then Cancel subscription.
  • Confirm your cancellation and check if you are eligible for a refund.

Why cancel Xbox Live subscription on phone?

There are many reasons why you might want to cancel your Xbox Live subscription on your phone. Some of the most common ones are:

  • You don’t play games online anymore or you prefer another online service.
  • You want to switch to a different subscription plan such as Xbox Game Pass Ultimate which includes Xbox Live Gold and other benefits.
  • You want to save money or reduce your monthly expenses.
  • You are unhappy with the quality or features of Xbox Live.
  • You have multiple subscriptions and you want to consolidate them.

Whatever your reason is canceling your Xbox Live subscription on your phone is a convenient and quick way to do it. You don’t need to access your computer or console and you can do it anytime and anywhere.

How to cancel Xbox Live subscription on Android phone

If you have an Android phone you can use the Xbox app to cancel your Xbox Live subscription. Here are the steps:

  1. Launch the Xbox app on your Android phone and sign in with your Xbox Live account credentials.
  2. Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen and select Subscriptions from the list of options.
  3. You will see a list of all your active subscriptions including Xbox Live. Tap the one that you want to cancel.
  4. On the next screen tap Manage subscription at the bottom of the page.
  5. You will be redirected to a web page where you can manage your subscription settings. Tap Cancel subscription under Payment settings.
  6. You will see a confirmation message asking if you are sure you want to cancel. Tap Confirm cancellation to proceed.
  7. You will see a confirmation page showing that your cancellation is complete. You will also see if you are eligible for a refund or not. If you are you will see the amount and date of your refund.

How to cancel Xbox Live subscription on iPhone

If you have an iPhone you can also use the Xbox app to cancel your Xbox Live subscription. The steps are similar to those for Android phones except for some minor differences. Here are the steps:

  1. Launch the Xbox app on your iPhone and sign in with your Xbox Live account credentials.
  2. Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen and select Subscriptions from the list of options.
  3. You will see a list of all your active subscriptions including Xbox Live. Tap the one that you want to cancel.
  4. On the next screen tap Manage subscription at the bottom of the page.
  5. You will be redirected to a web page where you can manage your subscription settings. Tap Cancel under Payment & billing.
  6. You will see a confirmation message asking if you are sure you want to cancel. Tap Confirm cancellation to proceed.
  7. You will see a confirmation page showing that your cancellation is complete. You will also see if you are eligible for a refund or not. If you are you will see the amount and date of your refund.

How to check if you are eligible for a refund

When you cancel your Xbox Live subscription on your phone you might be eligible for a refund depending on when you purchased or renewed your subscription and where you live.

According to Microsoft’s refund policy you can receive a refund within 30 days of your initial purchase or before your first recurring billing date (whichever is sooner) by canceling your subscription as described above.

In addition you’re entitled to a refund of your most recent recurring billing charge if you cancel your subscription within 30 days after payment. This refund right is limited to one time per Microsoft account per subscription product.

However this refund policy does not apply to prepaid retail subscription codes which are subject to the return policies of the retailer from which you purchased the code.

Moreover in some countries you have the right to cancel a subscription that has recurring billing with immediate effect and receive a prorated refund as described in the Microsoft Consumer Subscription Prorated Refund Policy. These countries are:

  • Canada Israel Korea and Turkey (for any subscription length)
  • Denmark Finland Germany (purchases on or after March 1 2022) Netherlands Poland and Portugal (for subscriptions longer than one month and renewed)

If you live in one of these countries you will see the option to cancel immediately and request a refund when reviewing your subscription status.

To check if you are eligible for a refund you can visit your Services & subscriptions page on your Microsoft account dashboard or contact Xbox support.

How to avoid getting charged again in the future

If you cancel your Xbox Live subscription on your phone you will not be charged again for that subscription unless you reactivate it. However if you have other subscriptions or services that are linked to your Xbox Live account such as Xbox Game Pass or EA Play you might still be charged for them.

To avoid getting charged for other subscriptions or services you need to cancel them separately following the same steps as above. You can also turn off recurring billing for any subscription that you want to keep until it expires without renewing it automatically.

To turn off recurring billing for a subscription on your phone follow these steps:

  • Launch the Xbox app on your phone and sign in with your Xbox Live account credentials.
  • Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner and select Subscriptions.
  • Tap the subscription that you want to manage.
  • Tap Manage subscription and then Turn off recurring billing.
  • Confirm your choice by tapping Turn off.

You can also turn off recurring billing for any subscription on your Microsoft account dashboard or by contacting Xbox support.


Q: What happens to my games and progress when I cancel Xbox Live?

A: When you cancel Xbox Live you will lose access to some features and benefits that require an active subscription such as online multiplayer free games with Gold and exclusive discounts. However you will still be able to play your games offline and keep your progress and achievements. You will also be able to access your cloud saves if you sign in with your Xbox Live account.

Q: Can I reactivate my Xbox Live subscription after canceling it?

A: Yes you can reactivate your Xbox Live subscription anytime after canceling it. You just need to sign in with your Xbox Live account and purchase a new subscription plan. You can choose from different plans depending on how long you want to subscribe for. You can also use a prepaid retail subscription code if you have one.

Q: Can I transfer my Xbox Live subscription to another account?

A: No you cannot transfer your Xbox Live subscription to another account. Your subscription is tied to the Microsoft account that you used to purchase it. If you want to use Xbox Live with another account you need to purchase a new subscription for that account.

Q: Can I share my Xbox Live subscription with other users?

A: Yes you can share your Xbox Live subscription with other users on the same console or on different consoles if you have an Xbox One or an Xbox Series X|S. To do this you need to set your console as your home Xbox. This will allow anyone who signs in on that console to use your Xbox Live features and benefits. You can also sign in on any other console and use your Xbox Live features and benefits there.

To set your console as your home Xbox follow these steps:

  • Press the Xbox button \uE3E3 on your controller to open the guide.
  • Go to Profile & system > Settings > General > Personalization > My home Xbox.
  • Select Make this my home Xbox.

You can change your home Xbox up to five times per year.

Q: How can I contact Xbox support if I have any issues or questions?

A: If you have any issues or questions about canceling your Xbox Live subscription on phone or anything else related to Xbox you can contact Xbox support through various channels. You can visit their website call them at 1-800-469-9269 (US) or +1-425-635-7180 (International) chat with them online or tweet them at @XboxSupport.

Canceling your Xbox Live subscription on phone is a simple and convenient way to stop paying for a service that you no longer use or want. You just need to follow a few steps on the Xbox app and confirm your cancellation. You might also be eligible for a refund depending on when and where you purchased your subscription. However if you cancel your Xbox Live subscription you will lose access to some features and benefits

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