How to Edit a Sim in Sims 4 Xbox

The Sims 4 is a game that lets you create and control virtual people or Sims in various ways. You can customize their appearance personality skills hobbies relationships careers and more. But what if you want to change something about your Sim after you have started playing the game? Maybe you don’t like their hairstyle or their outfit or their traits. Or maybe you want to age them up or down or make them related to someone else. How can you do that?

The answer is the CAS Full Edit cheat. CAS stands for Create a Sim which is the tool you use before entering the game to edit a Sim exactly how you like them. But the CAS Full Edit cheat allows you to tinker with a Sim’s appearance and other aspects at any point during the game. Here’s how to use the CAS Full Edit cheat in Sims 4 Xbox.

Quick Answer

To use the CAS Full Edit cheat in Sims 4 Xbox follow these steps:

  • Press both shoulder buttons and both triggers on your controller (LB + LT + RB + RT) to open the cheat console.
  • Type in testingcheats on and press A to enable cheats.
  • Type in cas.fulleditmode and press A to enable full edit mode.
  • Hold down B and A on your controller and select the Sim you want to edit with your cursor.
  • Choose the option Modify in CAS.
  • Make any changes you want to your Sim and press B to confirm.

How to Enable Cheats in Sims 4 Xbox

Before you can use the CAS Full Edit cheat you need to enable cheats in Sims 4 Xbox. To do that follow these steps:

  • Press both shoulder buttons and both triggers on your controller (LB + LT + RB + RT) to open the cheat console.
  • Type in testingcheats on and press A to activate cheats. You should see a message saying “Cheats are enabled”.
  • Press B to close the cheat console.

You can now use any cheat codes in Sims 4 Xbox including the CAS Full Edit cheat.

How to Use the CAS Full Edit Cheat in Sims 4 Xbox

To use the CAS Full Edit cheat in Sims 4 Xbox follow these steps:

  • Press both shoulder buttons and both triggers on your controller (LB + LT + RB + RT) to open the cheat console again.
  • Type in cas.fulleditmode and press A to activate full edit mode. You should see a message saying “Full edit mode is enabled”.
  • Press B to close the cheat console.
  • Hold down B and A on your controller and select the Sim you want to edit with your cursor. You should see a menu with several options.
  • Choose the option Modify in CAS. This will take you to the Create a Sim screen where you can make any changes you want to your Sim.
  • Use the left stick right stick triggers bumpers and face buttons on your controller to navigate through the different categories and options. You can change your Sim’s appearance clothing accessories voice walk style traits aspirations relationships and more.
  • Press B when you are done making changes. You will see a confirmation screen asking if you want to save your changes or cancel them.
  • Press A to save your changes or X to cancel them.

You have now successfully edited your Sim using the CAS Full Edit cheat in Sims 4 Xbox.

Benefits of Using the CAS Full Edit Cheat in Sims 4 Xbox

The CAS Full Edit cheat is a powerful tool that gives you complete control over your Sim’s character and appearance. You can use it for various purposes such as:

  • Fixing mistakes or regrets: Maybe you created your Sim in a hurry and didn’t pay attention to some details. Or maybe you changed your mind about something after playing for a while. With the CAS Full Edit cheat you can fix any errors or regrets you have about your Sim without starting over.
  • Experimenting with different styles: Maybe you want to try out different looks or outfits for your Sim. Or maybe you want to see how they would look with different hair colors or facial features. With the CAS Full Edit cheat you can experiment with different styles and see what suits your Sim best.
  • Creating stories or scenarios: Maybe you want to create a story or a scenario for your Sim. For example maybe you want to make them fall in love with someone or have a baby or get a new job. With the CAS Full Edit cheat you can create any story or scenario you want by changing your Sim’s traits relationships age and more.

Can You Edit Sims in Sims 4 Xbox and Still Play GTA 5 as a Cop on Xbox One?

Yes, you can edit Sims in Sims 4 Xbox and still play GTA 5 as a cop on Xbox One. The Sims 4 offers a wide range of customization options for your Sims, while GTA 5 allows you to become a cop and experience the life of law enforcement in the fictional city of Los Santos.

Limitations of Using the CAS Full Edit Cheat in Sims 4 Xbox

The CAS Full Edit cheat is a great way to edit your Sim in Sims 4 Xbox but it also has some limitations that you should be aware of. These include:

  • Risk of breaking the game: Using cheats can sometimes cause glitches or bugs in the game. For example some players have reported that using the CAS Full Edit cheat can make their Sims lose their skills careers or achievements. To avoid this make sure you save your game before using the cheat and don’t use it too often.
  • Loss of challenge or immersion: Using cheats can sometimes make the game too easy or unrealistic. For example some players may feel that using the CAS Full Edit cheat takes away the challenge or the immersion of playing the game naturally. To avoid this use the cheat sparingly and only when you really need it.
  • Ethical or moral issues: Using cheats can sometimes raise ethical or moral issues. For example some players may feel that using the CAS Full Edit cheat is cheating or unfair to other players. Or some players may feel uncomfortable changing their Sim’s identity or personality without their consent. To avoid this use the cheat responsibly and respectfully.


Q: Can I use the CAS Full Edit cheat on any Sim?

A: Yes you can use the CAS Full Edit cheat on any Sim in your household or in your world. However you cannot use it on Sims that are not playable such as NPCs (non-player characters) or townies.

Q: Can I use the CAS Full Edit cheat on multiple Sims at once?

A: No you can only use the CAS Full Edit cheat on one Sim at a time. If you want to edit multiple Sims you need to repeat the process for each Sim individually.

Q: Can I undo the changes I made with the CAS Full Edit cheat?

A: Yes you can undo the changes you made with the CAS Full Edit cheat by pressing X instead of A on the confirmation screen. This will cancel your changes and return your Sim to their original state.

Q: Can I save the changes I made with the CAS Full Edit cheat?

A: Yes you can save the changes you made with the CAS Full Edit cheat by pressing A instead of X on the confirmation screen. This will save your changes and apply them to your Sim.

Q: Can I share the changes I made with the CAS Full Edit cheat?

A: Yes you can share the changes you made with the CAS Full Edit cheat by uploading your Sim to the Gallery. The Gallery is a feature that lets you share your creations with other players online. To upload your Sim to the Gallery follow these steps:

  • Press Y on your controller to open the menu.
  • Select Save Game.
  • Select Manage Worlds.
  • Select Save and Go to Manage Worlds.
  • Select Edit Household.
  • Select Save Household.
  • Select Upload Household to Gallery.
  • Enter a name and a description for your household.
  • Select Upload.

You have now uploaded your household to the Gallery. Other players can now download and use your household in their games.

Editing a Sim in Sims 4 Xbox is easy and fun with the CAS Full Edit cheat. This cheat lets you change anything about your Sim’s appearance traits relationships and more at any point during the game. You can use it for various purposes such as fixing mistakes experimenting with styles or creating stories. However you should also be aware of the limitations and risks of using this cheat such as breaking the game losing challenge or immersion or raising ethical or moral issues.

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